Learn how to read a Natal chart
( Work in progress )
What is a Natal chart?
A natal chart is a snapshot of the sky at the moment you were born. In essence, at the moment of your first breath is when you come into accord with the energies of the universe. That remains fixed throughout your lifetime. Your natal chart gives clues to your major life lessons, shows your destiny, reveals your personality traits and hidden desires, as well as points the way to your soul’s purpose.

How and where to make yourself a natal chart?
To make yourself an accurate birth chart, you need to know a few things:
- the day you were born
- the time you were born (as accurate as possible)
- where you were born
You can make your natal chart here.
What now?
Now, that you have your natal chart, it's time to decode it - and yourself.
Identify planets, special points and angles
When you look at the chart, on the first glance, you see concentric circles and a lot of symbols, which doesn't make any sense, if you're unfamiliar or at least know the basics. A cheat sheet can help you start identifying and explaining your cosmic background. You can download cheat sheets here.
What do the Houses in astrology represent?
Houses are simply different areas or departments of life.
What do the Signs in astrology represent?
Signs are divisions of the heavens which by their placement relative to the houses indicate our basic temperament and attitude towards life.
What do the Planets and their Aspects in astrology represent?
To ancient astrologers, the planets represented "The Will of the Gods" and their direct influence upon human affairs. To modern astrologers, the planets can represent basic drives or urges in the unconscious, or energy flow regulators representing dimensions of experience.
In different words planets are the messengers, which by their motion through the houses and signs bring us the opportunities for soul growth, which we need for our individual development. Each planet has a characteristic energy. That energy can be expressed either in a positive or a negative way. This is determined by the aspects of the other planets to that particular planet.
"What are my big 3?" - Identify your Sun sign, Moon sign and Rising sign
To identify your big 3, check your natal chart. This symbol Q represents the Sun, this one W represents the Moon, Rising sign or Ascendant is horizontal arrow, from center to left, it's also the cusp of 1st house, Descendant is the point exactly opposite, the cusp of 7th house. Whole horizontal line is called Ascendant/Descendant Axis.
What does your Q Sun sign represent?
Astrologically speaking, Sun is your identity. It represents the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal power, pride and authority, leadership qualities and the principles of creativity, spontaneity, health and vitality, the sum of which is named the "life force".
What does your W Moon sign represent?
The Moon is the soul behind your identity. It is associated with a person's intuition, emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories, moods and their ability to react and adapt to those around them. It is associated for some with the mother, maternal instincts or the urge to nurture, the home, the need for security and the past, especially early experiences and childhood.
What does your ASC Rising sign or Ascendant represent?
Rising sign (also known as your Ascendant) is your social personality, your social identity, it's the first impression you make on others. It represents your physical body and your outer personality.
What does your DSC Descendant represent?
Descendant, in your birth chart, is the point exactly opposite of your Rising sign or Ascendant. It represents your hidden qualities. Something we don't always recognize in ourselves. Because of this, we often seek them in others. Consequently, it also shows your relationship with others and how you approach towards them.

Identify all Planets and Special Points
Same as you identifeid big 3, you also identify all other Planets and Special Points, in which Signs they are and in which Houses they are. Cheat sheets are very helpful with this.
For example:
My Mercury is in Aries, in 9th house. Mercury represents communication, perception, intellect, reason,... 9th house is the house of Philosophy and Purpose, it represents higher mind, religion, law, long journeys, philosophy, ... So this means I'm very direct in my speech and actions, I love good debates, they evolve to some kind of competition sometimes, my mind is very restless and filled with much nervous energy, etc... I have very adaptable mind, and a lot of interests in law, religion or philosophy, I have a lot of ideas and enjoy foreign cultures, etc...

Planetary Aspects
What are Aspects and why are they important?
Aspect is an angle the Planets make to each other in your chart. They are measured by the angular distance in degrees and minutes of ecliptic longitude between two points, as viewed from Earth.
Aspects symbolize the energy that flows between the Planets. They tell us how these planets are interacting and communicating with each other. They determine how the energies of the Planets will be expressed.
Different aspects, different influences
We have 5 Major aspects and 6 Minor aspects. Some are harmonious, some challenging, for some it depends. We will overview 5 Major aspects.
q Conjunction (0°)
Conjunction is formed when two separate points are approx. 0° apart (+/- deviation), with other words, they are united or blended. It means they act together. Conjunction combine and blend the characteristics of the planets' energies. The closer they are, more powerful is the aspect. The conjunction takes a harmonious or challenging influence. Or it can be neutral.
t Sextile (60°)
Sextile is formed when two separate points are approx. 60° apart (+/- deviation). This aspect is very harmonious, expressed more outwardly. It shows you where are your known talents and where is your potential for growth. It is communicative and relationship-friendly aspect. Planets in this aspect, harmoniously and actively exchange their energies.
r Square (90°)
Square is formed when two separate points are approx. 90° apart (+/- deviation). It is challenging because it creates tension. Planets involved are in constant conflict. It bring a lot of obstacles on our path. But this also means it's stimulative. It empower you to overcome problems and difficulties in life, if force you to learn your lessons and grow. Squares are often stronger when we're younger, when we age and learn, their effect is lesser.
e Trine (120°)
Trine is formed when two separate points are approx. 120° apart (+/- deviation). It is harmonious, planets involved support each other and create a feeling of well-being and easiness. It is an aspect of good luck and psychological comfort. Trines are by nature accepting, so it's easier for us to accept others, ourselves and situations. But sometimes, it favours self-indulgence and passivity. That's the reason, it's also called a lazy aspect or aspect of laziness. Those talents are so natural to us, so hidden, that often we don't even notice them.
w Opposition (180°)
Opposition is formed when two separate points are approx. 180° apart (+/- deviation). Involved planets are creating tension because they're in contradiction with each other, always competing. This aspects is considered challenging, but it also means growth, it allow us to evolve. Outside ourselves, in out environment it mirrors our internal struggles. So often, when we're bothered with something or someone, we have issues we have to resolve in ourselves. This may mean inner discontent, uncertainty or some other insecurities. It forces us to be aware of ourselves.

What now?
In your chart you have aspects table in bottom left corner, it looks like you see below. You should now be able to understand these symbols.
Elements and Modalities
In astrology, each of the 12 Signs is associated with one of the 4 Elements: Fire, Earth, Air and Water, and 3 Modalities (Qualities): Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable, which represent the sign and element's ability to move and evolve with time, how each expresses their energy, reacts to different circumstances, and operates in the world as they move through life.
Looking at nature, each of the four elements can be expressed in three different styles. Astrology follows the four seasons (Cycle of Year), which correspond to the four elements, and each of these seasons consist of 3 different states: A Beginning, Middle and End.
Cycle of Year
Cycle of Year is one of the 3 most important cycles in Astrology. Other 2 are Cycle of Day and Cycle of Great Year. This is directly connected to cyclical nature of our existence. Basis of everything in our Universe is Sine wave. Visible force is electric force of the Universe, it's our visible Universe. The other is magnetic force, which is our invisible Universe, so called Dark matter. So Astrology is in short describing and explaining Sine cycle.
Everything is in one of these 3 phases of existence: Creation - Preservation - Dissolution
Now check out your chart. How strong is each of your Element? Check characteristics below.
Dominant Fire Element
enthusiastic, energetic, impulsive, spontaneous, ardent, intense, stimulating, inspirational, creative, self-motivated, self-confident, independent, idealistic, optimistic, subjective
Weak or Lack of Fire Element
pessimistic, apathetic, uninvolved, depressed, unmotivated, unexcitable
Dominant Earth Element
practical, materialistic, down-to-earth, security-minded, realistic, patient, persistent, enduring, dependable, stable, productive, methodical, exacting, thorough, orderly
Weak or Lack of Earth Element
impractical, disorganized, compulsive, unproductive, unstable, security-conscious, ungrounded
Dominant Air Element
intellectual, questioning, conceptualizing, synthesizing, observant, objective, detached, unrealistic, indecisive, talkative, interacting, cooperating
Weak or Lack of Air Element
subjective, searching, disconnected, isolated, simple
Dominant Water Element
moody, sensitive, vulnerable, sentimental, empathic, responsive, dependent, nurturing, protective, secretive, personal, flowing, intuitive, imaginative, passive
Weak or Lack of Water Element
controlled, closed, unresponsive, impersonal, insecure, out-of-touch
* You can read more about elements in Astrology by following this link: Four Elements, or elements in general by following this link: Elements.
How strong is each of your Modality/Quality? Check characteristics below.
Dominant Cardinal Quality
active, involved, restless, energetic, busy, driving, ambitious, opportunistic
Weak or Lack of Cardinal Quality
These people can easily enjoy observing and simply "being" without necessarily "doing." But if they have 0 or only 1 cardinal sign, they may feel driven to prove themselves through activity or may substitute an emotionally intense inner life for active involvement in external challenges.
Dominant Fixed Quality
determined, purposeful, persistent, stubborn, inflexible, powerful, strong-willed, slow & deliberate
Weak or Lack of Fixed Quality
These people may have difficulty completing what they have begun and developing structure and stability in their lifestyles. They may, as a result, become obsessed with organized or finishing, and may test their willpower by committing themselves to overly-demanding projects or goals.
Dominant Mutable Quality
adaptable, versatile, changeable, variable, personal, personable, flighty, restless, weak-willed, indecsisive, easily influenced, serving
Weak or Lack of Mutable Quality
These people usually know what they want. Frequently unwilling to compromise, they may insist that other people be adaptable and accommodate them. Because they have difficulty bending with circumstances and making personal changes, they often attempt to force change in their external circumstances, sometimes in dramatic ways.

I hope this series helped you to understand your natal chart and yourself a little better and see the beauty of Astrology in practical example. As many of our greatest minds stated in their famous quotes: "when you get to know yourself, real power and wisdom begins".