Learn how to read a Synastry chart
( Work in progress )
What is a Synastry chart?
A natal birth chart is a map showing the positions of the planets at the time of someone’s birth. If you don't know what a natal birth chart is, check out birth chart interpretation series first here.
A synastry chart is when you are comparing two natal charts side by side to determine areas of strength and weakness in a relationship. Synastry charts form a key-part of understanding energetically and astrologically what is happening between 2 people.

How can it help my relationship?
When you know areas of strength and weakness in a relationship, it's easier to work on it. More harmonic aspects between 2 people means, that relationship is easier to maintain. More discordant aspects means, there may be obstacles and challenges, which may arise, but when you know about them and know how to identify them, it's easier to overcome them.
Make a Synastry chart
Most Important Planets and Luminaries in Synastry
There are many factors to consider when examining the potential of a relationship from an astrological standpoint. The most important planets/luminaries in synastry, by my opinion, are the Sun, Moon, Venus, Mars and Ascendant.
Q Sun
Sun sign placement is expressing the core personality of each individual.
W Moon
Moon rules the emotions and the way each individual responds naturally, making it an important factor in love relationships.
R Venus
Venus rules the love nature and determines what type of partner a person is attracted to.
T Mars
Mars represents sex drive, making this planet extremely influential when determining sexual compatibility.
ASC Rising sign or Ascendant
Ascendant is expressing the outward behaviour and appearance.
What makes the Q Sun and Ascendant so important in synastry is that they are more immediately recognizable than any other planets when two people first meet. In the beginning, people are attracted to each other based on the interaction between their Sun signs and Ascendants. It is only after the two people have interacted for a while that the traits of the W Moon, R Venus and T Mars sign become apparent. In short, the Q Sun and Ascendant attract two people to each other while the W Moon, R Venus and T Mars determine whether the attraction is strong enough to sustain a relationship.
Aspects in Synastry
q Conjunction (0°)
This aspect brings two like forms of planetary energy together, amplifying the effect on each. The conjunction is the most powerful aspect in synastry and can produce either harmony or discord depending on the planets involved. Too many conjunctions between two birth charts can create tension because the people involved are too similar.
t Sextile (60°)
The sextile creates a harmonious blending of planetary energies and a lasting bond between two people. This aspect is similar to the trine, however, it tends to be more stimulating because the two signs involved are in different elements.
r Square (90°)
The square tends to create stress and tension. Although this aspect generates a compelling and exciting response, it can be challenging. Depending on the planets involved, there may be a strong urge to dominate each other. Too many square aspects between two charts tend to amplify the negative qualities in each person.
e Trine (120°)
This is the most positive aspect in synastry. The trine creates compatibility and a harmonious blending. Despite the clear compatibility of this aspect, it contains the risk of boredom and repetition in the relationship. The two energies blend together so easily that the relationship may be lacking the passion or urgency accompanied by other, more challenging aspects.
o Inconjunct/Qunicunx (150°)
The energies between these two planets do not blend easily and tend to create a dramatic effect. This aspect is stimulating, however, and produces a competitive spirit between the two people involved. In its extreme, this aspect causes rivalry and arguments about petty and trivial matters.
w Opposition (180°)
The affect of this aspect is deep and powerful, and sometimes destabilizing. With this aspect, the reverse images of the same energy are brought into contact. This aspect can be likened to a mirror image and creates a strong magnetism. While the attraction accompanied by the aspect may be strong, the interaction is challenging.

Synastry Scores
Any interaction between the Q Sun, W Moon, Ascendant, R Venus or T Mars tends to create a strong attraction between the two people involved. Aspects between R Venus and T Mars in particular indicate sexual attraction. While harsh aspects between R Venus and T Mars are more likely to create a strong sexual attraction, they are also more likely to present obstacles and challenges in the relationship.
Trine and sextile aspects between these planets create a harmonious blending of energies, however, sometimes the relationship seems too comfortable and excitement may be lacking.
Aspects between the W Moon and R Venus or T Mars indicate whether the two people involved are emotionally in tune with each other.
Tense aspects, such as the square or opposition, can put a strain on the relationship, preventing two people from relating to each other on an intimate level.
Harmonious aspects, such as the trine or sextile, make the interaction easy and comfortable; the partners usually have enough in common to sustain a relationship and are able to form a deep, emotional bond.

Cosmodynes, also called Astrodynes, are an astrological measure of strength and harmony. The original techniques were developed in 1946 by Elbert Benjamine (aka C.C. Zain) of the Church of Light in Los Angeles and W.M.A. Drake. The methods used to calculate astrodynes have been published in several books. The Church of Light has published their "Course XVI, Stellar Healing" book and Elbert Benjamine's "The Astrodyne Manual". The AFA has published Doris Chase Doane's "How To Read Cosmodynes" and Ken Stone's "Delineation with Astrodynes".

Mutual receptions
Mutual reception has been around for 2000 years or so, and yet very little has been written about it.
In its essence, reception refers to a situation where one planet is located in a sign, or portion of a sign, considered the domain or honored place of another planet. In other words, planet 1 is seen as visiting a portion of the zodiac where planet 2 has influence. Thus, planet 1 is "received" by planet 2 (or planet 2 is receptive to planet 1).
Five forms:
Reception by sign
In this form of reception, planet 1 occupies a sign ruled by planet 2, who is thus considered to receive planet 1 in its domicile.
Reception by exaltation
In this form of reception, planet 1 occupies the exaltation sign of planet 2, who is thus considered to receive planet 1 in its place of honor.
Reception by triplicity
In this form of reception, planet 1 occupies an element ruled by planet 2, who is thus considered to receive planet 1 by virtue of triplicity.
Reception by bounds
In this form of reception, planet 1 occupies a bounds ruled by planet 2, who is thus considered to receive planet 2 by virtue of bounds.
Reception by decans
In this form of reception, Planet 1 occupies a decan, ruled by Planet 2, who is thus considered to receive Planet 1 by virtue of decans.
Hierarchy of reception
Major forms: sign and exaltation
Minor forms: triplicity, bound and decan

Important Houses
In synastric analysis, the interplay of houses between two charts determines what role the individuals have cast each other with regard to the planets involved. When comparing birth charts in synastry, planets in the 1st, 5th, 7th and 8th houses are the most important because these houses possess a relationship theme. If some of your planets fall in the 1st, 5th, 7th or 8th house of your partner’s chart or vice versa, an intimate partnership is indicated. Here is a brief explanation of what each of these houses represent in synastry:
1st House (House of Ascendant)
The image and outer personality are ruled by the 1st house. Attraction takes place when we find another person’s image or personality appealing and desirable. When planets occupy the first house of another person’s chart, it is likely that there is a strong attraction between the two people as well as an approval of the other person’s demeanor and appearance.
5th House
The 5th house also rules pleasure and romance. If there are an abundance of planets in the 5th house of one or both charts, a strong bond of friendship and familiarity is indicated. Both people involved find the same activities enjoyable and tend to possess the same likes and dislikes.
7th House (House of Descendant)
The 7th house rules relationships and partnerships. This house is extremely important in marriage. When one person’s planets occupy the 7th house of their partner’s chart, a successful marriage is strongly indicated.
8th House
The 8th house, among others, also rules sex. Depending on the planets occupying this house, there may be an urge to possess or control the other person. Depending on which planets are involved, there may also be obsessive tendencies exhibited by the person whose planets occupy their partner’s 8th house. At the very least, there will be an intense, inexplicable attraction towards one another when planets occupy the 8th house.
I hope this article helped you to understand your synastry chart and your relationship a little better and see the beauty of Astrology in practical example.